Starting with Keras: The Beginner’s Path in ML

Keras for Beginners - Cover Image

Introduction to Keras Keras is a powerhouse in the realm of machine learning, particularly for those just starting their journey. It stands out as a high-level neural networks library, designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks. What makes Keras exceptionally beginner-friendly is its user-oriented approach, offering a simpler way to express neural networks. … Read more

Kickstart Your ML Journey: An Introductory Guide to TensorFlow

Beginner's guide to TensorFlow

Introduction to TensorFlow TensorFlow has emerged as a powerhouse in the realm of machine learning (ML), offering both beginners and seasoned professionals a platform to develop and train ML models with relative ease. Developed by the Google Brain team, TensorFlow’s prowess lies in its ability to handle large-scale, complex computations, which are fundamental in the … Read more